Today is February 9, 2025 /

Becoming a Soulful Individual

Soulful Jewish learning on your own terms.  All you need is a friend, a pen, and an hour.

Becoming a Soulful Individual is a ready-made toolbox to enable deeper Jewish conversations.  The sessions offer Ayeka’s tested, revolutionary methodology to private/individual learners. For free!

The program provides the structure and triggers to enable meaningful, Jewish-text-based learning and conversation between two individuals.

The foundation blocks of life-impacting learning, introduced and practiced in the sessions, are:

  • How to listen to Jewish texts as if they are speaking to the learner personally
  • How to create safe educational space, with vulnerability, and without judgment
  • Processing exercises to discover one’s voice in the learning
  • Strategies that help bring learning into the learner’s life

Participation in BSI is completely free and open to ANYONE who wants to dive into Jewish wisdom while investing in their relationships with personal, relevant, and vulnerable conversations.

Click here to start your journey!

I am finding the questions, writing & sharing invaluable in helping me develop consciousness about how I show up in the world related to others, myself & God.

– Becoming a Soulful Individual learner

document.getElementById("thinkific-product-embed") || document.write('');Start learning today!
document.getElementById("thinkific-product-embed") || document.write('');Start learning today!
document.getElementById("thinkific-product-embed") || document.write('');Start learning today!