Join us as we come together to support each other and learn more about ourselves as parents. The Boulder JCC is excited to start a new session of Becoming A Soulful Parent for parents of teens between the ages of 13-18. Susan Rona, Becoming a Soulful Parent Facilitator and Community Member, and Shari Blake Schnee, Community and Continue Reading »
Last week was hard. It was raw and messy, replete with mediocre parenting, a sense of working harder than ever before, and an awareness that we – and those we love – were treading water at best. This week was hard. Wants morphed into needs, the shiny potentialities presented by COVID-19 became tarnished, and respite Continue Reading »
Jerusalem, Israel, May 20, 2020 – Ayeka: The Center for Soulful Education today announced that as a result of the impact on COVID 19 on the organization’s activities and funding, it has made adjustments to its programming and staff. As part of these changes, Ayeka’s Director of North America, Michal Fox Smart, will be leaving Continue Reading »
Yesterday my son turned to me and said, “I want COVID-19 to end, and I don’t.” I was surprised by his comment. I also felt the same way. He wants COVID-19 to end so that suffering will end. We all do. We want an end to daily news reports of the death toll that continues Continue Reading »
Rabban Gamliel has a famous statement in the Passover Haggadah (taken from Mishna Pesachim) that “In every generation, a person must see him/herself as having gone out of Egypt.” This has always seemed to me to be the essence of the Seder, but for years it remained in the realm of ideas for me. I Continue Reading »
We are now offering the Ayeka community a FREE download of The Ayeka Haggadah: Hearing Your Own Voice (Hebrew & English). Click here to receive your copy today. Wishing you a joyous and meaningful journey!
My kids are home. Even an adult child I thought would never live at home again is home. Yesterday, we spent 8 hours in the house, each of us in zoom meetings on 4 different devices, unable to say a word to each other let alone bake a cake—all in the name of staying connected. Continue Reading »
I want to teach two truths that we all know: What we need most in life is love. We feel best about ourselves when we are loving human beings. I’m not talking about crazy wild romantic love (though that is also important) ― I’m talking about everyday love. Loving behavior expressed in words and acts Continue Reading »
One of my favorite teachings on Hanukkah comes from Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Barditshov, known as the Kedushas Levi. Here is a very abridged version. Unlike the Exodus from Egypt, which God in His great mercy performed without arousal from below, in the case of Hanukkah there was some help from below, in that the Continue Reading »
In our library, we have many books about Jewish prayer. Some are about the history of prayers – who wrote them and when they became part of the Jewish prayer book. Some are meant to reveal the deeper meanings of Jewish prayers and what secrets are encoded in the Hebrew words. Some focus on what Continue Reading »