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Becoming A Soulful Parent: A Class for Parents of Teens

Published in Boulder Jewish News by Shari Schnee
Posted on September 2, 2020

Join us as we come together to support each other and learn more about ourselves as parents. The Boulder JCC is excited to start a new session of Becoming A Soulful Parent for parents of teens between the ages of 13-18. Susan Rona, Becoming a Soulful Parent Facilitator and Community Member, and Shari Blake Schnee, Community and Family Engagement Director at the Boulder JCC, lead the group. Both were trained to be facilitators for this program through the Ayeka Foundation.

Susan and Shari will utilize Jewish texts and resources from the Ayeka Association on “Becoming a Soulful Parent” and “The Blessing of B-” by parenting expert Wendy Mogel, PhD. Together, we will explore questions such as “Who am I as a parent?” and “What makes me uniquely able to raise my child?” as opposed to the questions we more commonly ask, such as “Am I doing this right?” “Will my child succeed?” “What more should I do?”

The class runs for 6 weeks on Tuesdays from 5:15 – 6:45 pm starting on September 8. We are hoping to hold the first class in-person and outdoors at the JCC following all of the Boulder JCC’s Health and Safety Protocols. The remaining classes will be held virtually.

To register for this program, please click here. The cost is $60 per person for the six week session. For more information or for financial assistance, please email Shari Blake Schnee at

The “Becoming A Soulful Parent” course was designed by Dasee Berkowitz from the Ayeka Association.

This class has provided perhaps one of the most empowering perspectives on parenting than any I have experienced before. Finally there is a parenting class that is not about the “right way” to parent and how to do it correctly. This one is about understanding our own parenting choices. We looked at and considered the circumstances, contexts and values that come together to influence how we parent our own children. Of course none of what we do as parents is perfect; it never is. And parenting is an ever-evolving practice. But with this class, we take the space and time to more fully appreciate the thoughtfulness and purpose we put into our parenting styles and choices. With my completion of this six week program I feel more confident and resolute in my capabilities to parent my children, even as I continue to try to do it better from moment to moment.” – Previous Boulder JCC participant