Ayeka’s Becoming a Soulful Parent (BSP) program trains parents and educators nationwide to lead a different kind parenting group. Our groups:
With topics on love, cultivating presence and sibling rivalry, BSP is for parents who want to take time out of their busy lives to tune in to the parents they want to become.
Interested in joining the conversation? Contact dasee@ayeka.org.il for more information!
Check out what our Becoming a Soulful Parent facilitators have been up to!
Becoming a Soulful Parent impact across North America:
Becoming a Soulful Parent it answered a need in my life; the need for connection, reinforcement and validation. — Mother of three
Becoming a Soulful Parent… made me feel less alone. I appreciated being able to devote time to my partner and discussing our children in the context of meaningful texts. — Mother of two
We are all trying to “do it right.” Having a cadre of fellow parents – all of whom make mistakes like the rest of us – who are willing to slow down the intensity of life with kids to connect, listen, reflect and consider the most soulfully wise approaches to raising children is refreshing and extremely helpful. — Father of two