We are right now in the midst of the journey from Passover to Shavuot. If Pesach is our moment of physical courage, Shavuot is our moment of spiritual courage. Shavuot is an encounter with God’s presence.
How would you feel if you were told, “Next week you will have the most powerful life-changing spiritual experience of your life?” Would you panic? Would you be excited? Would you be afraid?
Personally, I would be terrified. If the past is any indicator, I might even run away.
I like my life the way it is now. I don’t want to shake things up. I like order and stability. Most of all, I like being in control.
I know how I would like to answer the question. I would like to say that I am eager and deeply yearning for the spiritual encounter. I would like to say that I am ready and have the courage to embrace whatever this encounter will expect of me.
But, unfortunately, at the present moment, I am really not there.
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