Today is January 18, 2025 /

Toxic Stones

Published in Sh'ma Now by Aryeh Ben David
Posted on February 5, 2018

Experiences of pain, confusion, and depression are inescapable. Just as God created a world with light and darkness and day and night, we have times when we are open to hearing and feeling gratitude for the voice of the soul. We have other times when life seems confusing and bleak and the voice of the soul seems distant and mute. When we feel pain, we need to stop and deeply experience the pain. We need to delve into and embrace its emptiness — to hear it and to learn from it.

At times, this pain is caused by our previous experiences — our history. We
have all had moments of disappointment and brokenness; we have all experienced moments of darkness in our past. But, sometimes, the source of this pain stems from our future. We are each brought into this world to fulfill a unique purpose. In our daily lives and in the course of a whole lifetime, only our soul can provide a particular “tikkun,” or “repair,” that is needed in this world. This future is always calling to us. Listening to our inner voice, the voice of the soul, guides us toward this tikkun. Sometimes, the inner voice guides us gently, through our intuition or through a feeling. Sometimes, many competing voices — the voices of our ego, our fears, our insecurity, our loved ones, and our community — challenge this process.

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